When I started my motherhood journey, I had to quickly jump into the deep end. I wasn't prepared.
Our first move happened one month before I became a mom...and we have now moved 7 times in 8 years.
My second child developed health issues at 2 months old and I had to transition our family to a 100% from scratch, healing diet.
We were financially struggling for a long time so I became a full-time nanny with my two young kids in tow.
I was overwhelmed and disillusioned with my reality.
That was in February 2019.
I got pregnant with #3.
So now, these were my daily responsibilities:
- Take care of our home
- Take care of my employer's home
- Cook every meal from scratch
- Produce the healing aspects (bone broth, kefir, sourdough, etc)
- Be responsible for 4 kids, 3 and under (2 mine/2 nannied)
- Do it all while going through a difficult pregnancy!
❌ Cutting some of the cooking (but my kids' health issues required it)
❌ Giving up on the nanny position (but our bank account wouldn't allow it)
❌ Letting the house go to pot (but, with all of us being away all day, we needed a haven to come home to)
Teach your children to have respect for authority
Delegate chores to your kids
Assign every repeating task a system using the Home Mastery Method
Declutter and organize your home
My 2 and 3 year old began taking responsibility for
- Cleaning up their own messes
- Emptying the garbage
- Taking care of their own rooms
- Wiping down their bathrooms
- And entertaining themselves without a screen when Mommy was having concentrated work time
Once they became a part of the team, they loved and owned the responsibility!
As the years have passed since then, my kids have grown in number and responsiblity.
We do this life as a team.
We work hard TOGETHER and then have lots of time to play hard TOGETHER.
I love my kids.
I love my home.
I love my life!
Amy, Mom of 3
Morgan, Mom of 4